The final open meeting of the Commission was held on Friday, April 20 during ABI’s Annual Spring Meeting. Watch the last recorded hearing before compiling the report of recommendations to be released at the end of the year.
The Hearing had two panels - please click on the names below to read written statements.
Panel-1: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Dan Fisher, general counsel and corporate secretary, Educational Credit Management Corp., Minneapolis, MN
John R. Byrnes, former regional U.S. Trustee, Roanoke, VA
Karen Cordry, National Association of Attorneys General, Washington, DC
Hon. Colleen Brown, bankruptcy judge, District of Vermont
Mary Ida Townson, chapter 13 trustee, Atlanta, GA
John D. McMickle, JDM Public Strategies, Washington, DC
John Loughnane, Nutter McCennen & Fish, Boston, MA