Edward T. Gavin

Gavin/Solmonese LLC

Edward T. Gavin, CTP is a managing director and founding partner of Gavin/Solmonese LLC in Wilmington, Del., where he leads the firm’s Restructuring and Fiduciary Services Practice and specializes specializes in complex bankruptcy matters, representing debtors, creditors and committees as financial advisor, asset sale advisor, chief restructuring officer or in other responsible party roles. He is frequently called upon to provide expert testimony in matters involving breach-of-fiduciary-duty and bankruptcy matters, including preferences. In addition, he is frequently appointed liquidating trustee, litigation trustee or plan administrator for post-confirmation liquidating trusts. Mr. Gavin is ABI’s President and previously served as ABI’s Vice-President-Development. He also co-chaired ABI’s Financial Advisors & Investment Banking Committee, was co-chair and education director of ABI’s Ethics Committee, and served on ABI’s Civility Task Force and the ABI National Ethics Standards Task Force, leading that group’s Committee Solicitation Protocols Subcommittee. Mr. Gavin is a 30th Anniversary Circle contributor to ABI’s Endowment Fund and co-chaired ABI’s Mid-Atlantic Bankruptcy Workshop from 2009-14. He also co-authored ABI’s Chief Restructuring Officer’s Guide to Bankruptcy and writes the “Turnaround Tactics” blog for Forbes. He is on Twitter as @tedgavin. Mr. Gavin attended the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, studying music theory and education.